President : Bill Bone

     Founder/Life President :

        Karin Page


Christian Spiritualist Church

Independent Church


"We look forward to going into the future."

Bill and Janet Bone and the Team


Newsletter : January 2025

Bill and Janet Bone

It is that time again so welcome to our winter newsletter.

We continue to keep steady numbers of people attending the church for all events and the encouraging thing is that we are seeing new faces join us as well.

We updated several things in the church over the last year including new blinds at the windows in the church, a new fire door, a new hot water boiler and a new sign outside the church as the old one was getting quite sad and tatty. Tom has done a lot of work in the back garden area so it is more presentable and safer for when people sit outside with their tea and cake on our Open Days.

Our next Open Day will be on Saturday 5th April, 10 - 3pm so look out for the date either on the website or notice boards in and outside the church and why not come along. There will be readings on offer (£10 for 25 minutes) which you book at the door, healing, a couple of stalls, yet to be confirmed and, of course, refreshments.

The circles held by Pat and Debbie continue to be well attended, as are Debbie's Zoom groups. If you are interested in either of these, see the Events Page for contact numbers and when they are held.

The healing sessions on a Thursday afternoon continue to attract people but remember to book with Janet if you are interested, so we can have sufficient people channelling the healing so we know how many are attending and you don't have to wait too long. Come along and give it a try. Recently, three of my healing students qualified as Healer Practitioners so congratulations to them.

Don't forget to book if you wish to come to the Mediumship Demonstration evenings which are held on the first and third Wednesdays of the month at 7:30pm (£5 cash on the door) - this is so I have a contact number if it has to be cancelled at short notice.

You do also need to book for a 1:1 reading so I know who is coming, otherwise it could mean that I book a medium, perhaps from a distance away, and they come but have no one to give readings to. My number is on the Events Page.

Again, don't forget to check out the Poems and Prayer pages as they are changed every couple of months and often the poems are examples of inspired writings from spirit.

As always Billy and myself thank all those in the church who help us regularly - we would not manage without you.

Take care and thank you all for your support.

Blessings to you all, Janet and Billy

49 Edge End Road, Broadstairs Kent CT10 2AH

Telephone : 07551 596085

Email : starofeast@icloud.com