● President : Bill Bone
● Founder/Life President :
Karin Page
Christian Spiritualist Church
Independent Church
OUR CHURCH is registered as a place of religious worship and services are provided for all to attend.
WE ARE REGISTERED to carry out Marriages, Funerals and Christenings.
AT PRESENT our church is the only dedicated spiritualist church in Thanet.
WE HAVE DEDICATED people who freely give their time and form our Committee and Friends of the Church, working with the President and Life President, ensuring the smooth running of our church, the Star of the East Hall.
ALL DONATIONS AND FEES are used solely for the running and upkeep of the church.
WE ARE COMMITTED to the teachings about spiritualism, whilst being independent from other spiritualist organisations.
About Us
In adopting the Fatherhood of God, we recognise God (or what you perceive him to be) as the Father of the Universe. God has never taken on a physical form; God is neither male nor female, but is pure Spirit, which is the source of all life and manifests in Natural Law. We see this displayed around us constantly.
The Fatherhood of God
Our Principles briefly explained:
We believe in:
This follows on from our all sharing the same origin, Spirit. When we help one another, we help ourselves and when we harm another, we harm ourselves. The manifestation of this principle is healing and a further demonstration of unconditional love.
The Brotherhood of Man
This is the cornerstone of Spiritualism. Our souls (i.e. that individual part of spirit that we consider to be ourselves) are eternal. Not only do we continue to exist but all our experiences are feelings too, and the living may communicate with those who have returned to the spirit world.
The Communion of Spirits and the Human Soul
We are born to learn. Our purpose is experimental growth. In order to learn and grow, we must possess freewill. We learn from choices and we learn when they work well and when they do not. But with freewill comes responsibility. Because we are free, we have the power to do wilful harm to others and to the environment. Each individual is personally responsible for all their actions and deeds, be they good or bad and any wrong doing can only be corrected by the individual concerned.
Personal Responsibility
We should not assume that all those experiencing difficulties are being punished for the sins of the past. We believe that we choose our life before we are born to experience certain things and learn from them. Through this experience a person may make faster spirital progress. Some of these experiences occur to help those around us as well as ourselves.
Compensation and Retribution
Through mediumship, or simply by raising our own sensitivity and awareness, we can open our minds to the reality of Spirit. It is not the job of spirit to deliver profound knowledge or to live our lives for us - that would negate our purpose in being here on the earth plane.
We all have spirit guides, if only we could take the time to be acquainted with them. Guides will not live our lives for us but they can offer assistance in troubled times. Most usually they manifest through the quiet voice within, but sometimes in more practical terms.
The Communion of Spirits and the Ministry of Angels
Not only is eternal progress open to every soul. We are all travelling a one-way street of infinite length. Some may move faster than others, some may temporarily stand still, but ultimately we all progress towards unattainable perfection.
Eternal progress open to every Soul

49 Edge End Road, Broadstairs Kent CT10 2AH
Telephone : 07551 596085
Email : starofeast@icloud.com