Life can Seem Ungrateful

by Anne El Abdullah

Life can seem ungrateful,


Christian Spiritualist Church

Independent Church


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If every single person who has liked you in your lifetime were to light up on a map, it would create the most glitteringly beautiful network you could imagine.

Throw in the strangers you've been kind to, the people who have made you laugh or inspired along the way and that star-bright network of you would be an important sight to behold.

You are so much more than you think you are.

You have done so much more than you realise.

You're trailing a bright pathway that you don't even know about.

What a thing. What a thing indeed.

(From the internet)

Remember Me

Don't remember me with sadness,

Don't remember me with tears.

Remember all the good times,

Shared throughout the years.

Now I am contented, that my life was worthwhile.

Because I know by loving you, that I made you smile.

When you're walking down the street,

And you've got me on your mind,

I'm walking in your footsteps, only half a step behind.

So please don't be unhappy, just because I'm out of sight.

Remember that I'm with you

Every morning, noon and night.

When We See the Harvest

by Susan Nikiterko

A harvest of apple, a harvest of corn.

A harvest of plenty, an autumn adorned.

With bright coloured leaves,  a fall festive blend,

A wonderful time for families and friends.

A harvest of pumpkins, a harvest of grain,

A harvest of bounty and cool autumn rains.

A big harvet moon, way up in the sky

A harvest of blessings that God has supplied.

Be grateful, be humble, give thanks to the land,

He has showered his blessings here in our world,

But have we been faithful, and have we been true?

Have we put God first in all that we do?

A harvest that God sees is not food or crop,

Not pumpkins or grain, not apples that drop.

But God sees the harvest of Souls needing Him,

A harvest of people who need saving from sin.

A harvest of souls and a harvest of Love,

A harvest of mercy from our Father above.

When we see the harvest, let's see through God's eyes,

and share with the nations the life he supplies.

Life is but a Stopping Place

Life is but a stopping place,

A pause is what's to be,

A resting place along the road

To sweet eternity.

We all have different journeys,

Different paths along the way,

We all were meant to learn some things

But never meant to stay...

Out destination is a place,

Far greater than we know,

For some the journey's quicker,

For some the journey's slow.

And when the journey finally ends,

We'll claim a great reward,

And find an everlasting peace,

Together with the Lord.